Sunday 19 December 2010

Saturday 18 December 2010

A journal entry

Its been a month since my last post and i have been super busy. Work has been crazy with the holidays right around the corner. We have had function after functions. Turkey, thai food, cakes, fruits and cookies. This is totally different then what i am use to where customers come in and we prepare the food a le minuet, where here we are creating food for the masses almost like a catering company. Also my parents came for an early birthday and christmas celebration. This was great because it had been about 7 months since i had seen them and talking over video chat isn't the same had the physical aspect of being able to hug them. I feel i am getting use to life here in malaysia although the city can be to crazy and sometimes and i just want to get the F out. But the city can be beautiful at night when you are coming back to it. It is more calm. Riding the light rail (LRT) at night when there are only a few people and all you have is the view of the city to come back to, this is quite peaceful. Today remind me of home the most I went to my aunties for dinner and played basketball all day. The home cook meal reminded me of the dinners i would have at home on my days off with my family. Adjusting to life here isn't so hard, i mean everyday i learn something new at work and the people i work with are hilarious, my nick name is ABC ( american born chinese) or Ma sala Masa allah ( Problem foreigner). We laugh and play all day at work. It still hasn't sunk in yet that i am away from home, it still feels like home just with new surroundings and people. Its funny how everywhere in the world you go their are people there that remind you of people from home. For example the two chefs that i have worked for both have similar philosophies and characteristic as my father.
Tonight brought back the most memories of home. It reminded me the most of the cool summer nights we would get back in seattle. I mean i love those night, where the air is crisp with a slight breeze, where you could just be out in a t shirt and shorts. As I wait for the LRT there was this nostalgic feeling sitting, waiting and looking out into the distance. There was this sense of home. It brought me back to the summer nights in seattle where i would sit outside of my restaurant or the rooftop and just sit and unwind. Just taking in the day and really enjoying the peace and quite with only the sounds of nature and the rest of the world in a distance. I really start to think of home , It really feels great being able to sit and ponder , it really allows you to "recharge your batteries" as my dad would say and get you ready for the week ahead.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

The Food

This is the food that we plate and present at the restaurant.

Poached White cod with coconut jus , spring onion and chili jellie.

Pan seared salmon with Penang curry and shrimp salasa.

Tuna with, black roe caviar, Daikon, green curry and wasabi foam.

Friday 12 November 2010

The Kitchen and dinning hall

This is where I work everyday, to produces beautiful works of arts on a plate. Also where i sweat my ass off and speak 4 different language malay, thai, english and chinese.

Monday 8 November 2010

My current and second job

The outside of the restaurant, we are serving modern, modern thai.

My frist job in Malaysia

My very first job in malaysia working at a traditional chinese malaysia restaurant called LA LA CHONG. Using a Wok is way harder than using a saute pan.

TC Friends

The friends at TC we made Vincent, Ika, Aria, Joe and Lan. I will miss them all. All the long hard days at the beach, finding girls, helping tourist and helping Lan with the banana boat.